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Iceland promotes volcanoes

To showcase Iceland’s array of volcano geotourism excursions, Meet in Reykjavik has launched an "InspiredByFire" campaign targeted at meeting and incentive planners.

The campaign promotes the new services and volcano-inspired-add-ons and incentive programs.

Included in the campaign is the chance for a planner to win a three-day incentive trip to Reykjavik including a volcano flightseeing tour while the eruption continues.

"With more than 100 on the island, we don't shy away from volcanoes in Iceland, we embrace our fiery friends," said Brynja Laxdal, director of marketing at Meet in Reykjavik. “With 'InspiredByFire', we're reaching out to meeting planners who are looking for over-the-top, memorable adventures that are life-affirming and provide a sense of discovery. Flying over a curtain of molten lava is probably something your clients will never forget."

Iceland promotes volcanoes

To showcase Iceland’s array of volcano geotourism excursions, Meet in Reykjavik has launched an "InspiredByFire" campaign targeted at meeting and incentive planners.

The campaign promotes the new services and volcano-inspired-add-ons and incentive programs.

Included in the campaign is the chance for a planner to win a three-day incentive trip to Reykjavik including a volcano flightseeing tour while the eruption continues.

"With more than 100 on the island, we don't shy away from volcanoes in Iceland, we embrace our fiery friends," said Brynja Laxdal, director of marketing at Meet in Reykjavik. “With 'InspiredByFire', we're reaching out to meeting planners who are looking for over-the-top, memorable adventures that are life-affirming and provide a sense of discovery. Flying over a curtain of molten lava is probably something your clients will never forget."