Air freight demand to grow at an average 4.9pc through 2022 - IATA

The International Air transport Association (IATA) heas released its air freight demand forecast covering the 2018-2022 period.
Key points:
• Industry-wide freight tonne kilometres (FTKs) will grow by 4.9 per cent on average over each of the next five years, helped by a stronger economic and trade backdrop than was seen during much of the previous five-year period.
• In keeping with the performance seen since 2014, IATA expects air freight will continue to outperform global goods trade (modestly). This is a key area of uncertainty and a prime area for the Association's future research. 


Air freight demand to grow at an average 4.9pc through 2022 - IATA

The International Air transport Association (IATA) heas released its air freight demand forecast covering the 2018-2022 period.
Key points:
• Industry-wide freight tonne kilometres (FTKs) will grow by 4.9 per cent on average over each of the next five years, helped by a stronger economic and trade backdrop than was seen during much of the previous five-year period.
• In keeping with the performance seen since 2014, IATA expects air freight will continue to outperform global goods trade (modestly). This is a key area of uncertainty and a prime area for the Association's future research.