DHL Barometer tips a further trade contraction

The DHL Global Trade Barometer (GTB) is predicting a further contraction in overall global trade for the next three months.

“Global trade continues to lose momentum, albeit mildly,” the report states. "... the downward tendency is largely moderate and steady.”

Tim Scharwath, DHL Global Forwarding Freight ceo commented: “According to the barometer, the year will probably end with moderate world trade."

DHL Barometer tips a further trade contraction

The DHL Global Trade Barometer (GTB) is predicting a further contraction in overall global trade for the next three months.

“Global trade continues to lose momentum, albeit mildly,” the report states. "... the downward tendency is largely moderate and steady.”

Tim Scharwath, DHL Global Forwarding Freight ceo commented: “According to the barometer, the year will probably end with moderate world trade."