Silk Way West committed to China

Despite Covid-19 having such a major impact on the air cargo sector, Azerbaijan-based operator Silk Way West Airlines has decided to maintain its China schedule throughout what it describes as ‘challenging and turbulent times’.

With more than 20 flights weekly connecting China ports with its global hub in Baku, Silk Way is performing its operations through a mix of charter and scheduled flights.

The carrier has issued a statement noting flights will be operated in accordance with recommendations from the WHO and other regulatory bodies as well as Silk Way's own restrictions, including no crew layovers in China.

“We have decided to honour the loyalty of our BSA (blocked space agreement) customers also throughout difficult times,” said Wolfgang Meier, the carrier’s chief executive/president.

“Therefore we have not followed the way in cancelling all our scheduled flights by operating just charters as we think that in the long run it will bring us even closer to our partners. We are a forwarders’ airline and we will further expand on those relationships by enhancing the group of close partners.”

Further, said Meier, “we would like to thank our pilots and the entire team in being utmost cooperative in finding the right pattern to keep up the operation throughout. Together with our international teams we have managed to demonstrate a solidarity towards our colleagues and customers, which I am really proud of.”

The decision to maintain services has earned Silk Way West national consumer and trade media coverage in China, including television.

“Of course, it is currently a daily challenge to manage the imbalances of the various trade lanes but we do count on the understanding of our partners as this is a real special situation,” Meier pointed out. “And of course we are very much focused on our operations to and from China but I shall emphasise that our global network is up and running.”

On the web:


- Kelvin King

Silk Way West committed to China

Despite Covid-19 having such a major impact on the air cargo sector, Azerbaijan-based operator Silk Way West Airlines has decided to maintain its China schedule throughout what it describes as ‘challenging and turbulent times’.

With more than 20 flights weekly connecting China ports with its global hub in Baku, Silk Way is performing its operations through a mix of charter and scheduled flights.

The carrier has issued a statement noting flights will be operated in accordance with recommendations from the WHO and other regulatory bodies as well as Silk Way's own restrictions, including no crew layovers in China.

“We have decided to honour the loyalty of our BSA (blocked space agreement) customers also throughout difficult times,” said Wolfgang Meier, the carrier’s chief executive/president.

“Therefore we have not followed the way in cancelling all our scheduled flights by operating just charters as we think that in the long run it will bring us even closer to our partners. We are a forwarders’ airline and we will further expand on those relationships by enhancing the group of close partners.”

Further, said Meier, “we would like to thank our pilots and the entire team in being utmost cooperative in finding the right pattern to keep up the operation throughout. Together with our international teams we have managed to demonstrate a solidarity towards our colleagues and customers, which I am really proud of.”

The decision to maintain services has earned Silk Way West national consumer and trade media coverage in China, including television.

“Of course, it is currently a daily challenge to manage the imbalances of the various trade lanes but we do count on the understanding of our partners as this is a real special situation,” Meier pointed out. “And of course we are very much focused on our operations to and from China but I shall emphasise that our global network is up and running.”

On the web:


- Kelvin King