US steps up pressure on EU

The US is to vote on Tuesday of this week on a bipartisan bill that would make it illegal for US airlines to comply with the EU's emissions trading system (EU ETS tax). Also this week, the US State Department and Department of Transportation will hold a two-day meeting to try to accelerate efforts within the

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to find an acceptable global alternative to the EU's system, which charges airlines that fly to, from or within EU airspace for their emissions.

US steps up pressure on EU

The US is to vote on Tuesday of this week on a bipartisan bill that would make it illegal for US airlines to comply with the EU's emissions trading system (EU ETS tax). Also this week, the US State Department and Department of Transportation will hold a two-day meeting to try to accelerate efforts within the

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to find an acceptable global alternative to the EU's system, which charges airlines that fly to, from or within EU airspace for their emissions.