Week 23 traffic improved 1.6pc 

Health & Leisure
Friday, 14 June 2024

The Europe Aviation Overview shows Week 23 of 2024 (3-9 June) saw traffic up by 1.6 per cent on the previous week and six per cent up on 2023. 

Compared to 2019, it was at 97 per cent. Punctuality was comparable to 2019 levels and was significantly better than in 2023, when French industrial action affected the Network. Real ticket prices in April were well down on last year, although this reflected the fact that Easter was earlier this year.

Meanwhile, fuel prices have continued a slow decline, evident since early March, and now stand at USD2.29 per gallon.

The aviation network in Europe recorded 33,027 average daily flights (+6 per cent vs 2023). This was slightly higher (+1.6 per cent) than the previous week’s average.

Other key data: 

• At country level, the top 10 states together recorded a 1.2 per cent increase in the number of flights compared to the previous week.
• On average, the top 10 carriers together deployed slightly higher capacities (+1.2 per cent) compared to last week.
• En-route ATFM delays averaged just below 66,800 minutes per day (2.0 min/flight), -15 per cent compared to the previous week. The main causes were capacity/staffing issues (45 per cent) and weather (42 per cent); most affected were France and Germany.
• The average jet fuel price in Europe reached 2.29 USD/gallon on 07 June 2024 (-6 per cent compared to two weeks ago).
• In April 2024, all-prices inflation posted a 2.6 per cent annual increase; ticket prices recorded a seven per cent annual decrease (excluding inflation).