STAR a game changer for rural destinations - UN Tourism

BTN News
Tuesday, 21 May 2024

The UN Tourism Self-assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations, STAR, allows local public authorities in rural destinations to self-evaluate and measure their level of tourism development. It also provides tailored recommendations, benchmarking different destinations and generating valuable data and insights for member states to enhance sustainable tourism policies. 

"STAR is a game-changer for rural destinations,” said Zurab Pololikashvili, secretary-general of UN Tourism. 

"It empowers local authorities with a tool that allows them to self-evaluate their policies and actions, providing actionable insights fostering sustainable tourism development, and contributing to the overall growth of rural communities.  

"The tool is available for all rural destinations in UN tourism member states. 

"It is open to local authorities interested in measuring their tourism development and getting a tailored recommendation guide to implement a sustainable, inclusive, and smart tourism model for their destinations."