Europe figures on the rise - EuroControl 

EuroControl Aviation Intelligence reports Week 21 of 2024 (20-26 May) saw steady increases heading into the northern summer. Traffic was up five per cent compared to last year and flights to/from several states, notably Greece, Türkiye and Italy, were well above pre-pandemic levels. 

Weather affected arrival punctuality but, at 73.1 per cent, it was still nearly four percentage points better than last year.

Other key data:

• The network recorded 31,658 average daily flights (+five per cent vs 2023). The average number of flights was slightly higher (+1.5 per cent) than the previous week’s average. Flights continue to recover and were just two per cent below the 2019 levels during Week 21.
• At country level, the top 10 states together recorded a two per cent increase in the number of flights compared to the previous week.
• On average, the top 10 carriers together deployed almost the same capacities (-0.1 per cent) as they did last week.
• En-route ATFM delays averaged just below 73,000 minutes per day (2.3 min/flight), +60 per cent compared to the previous week. This increase is explained by both weather issues (accounting for 47 per cent) and capacity/staffing issues (42 per cent) and affecting mostly Germany and France.
• The average jet fuel price in Europe reached US$2.45/gallon on 24 May 2024 (stable over two weeks).

Europe figures on the rise - EuroControl 

EuroControl Aviation Intelligence reports Week 21 of 2024 (20-26 May) saw steady increases heading into the northern summer. Traffic was up five per cent compared to last year and flights to/from several states, notably Greece, Türkiye and Italy, were well above pre-pandemic levels. 

Weather affected arrival punctuality but, at 73.1 per cent, it was still nearly four percentage points better than last year.

Other key data:

• The network recorded 31,658 average daily flights (+five per cent vs 2023). The average number of flights was slightly higher (+1.5 per cent) than the previous week’s average. Flights continue to recover and were just two per cent below the 2019 levels during Week 21.
• At country level, the top 10 states together recorded a two per cent increase in the number of flights compared to the previous week.
• On average, the top 10 carriers together deployed almost the same capacities (-0.1 per cent) as they did last week.
• En-route ATFM delays averaged just below 73,000 minutes per day (2.3 min/flight), +60 per cent compared to the previous week. This increase is explained by both weather issues (accounting for 47 per cent) and capacity/staffing issues (42 per cent) and affecting mostly Germany and France.
• The average jet fuel price in Europe reached US$2.45/gallon on 24 May 2024 (stable over two weeks).