Virgin Australia pilots vote 'no' to to pay offer

Virgin Australia pilots have rejected an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) struck with the airline and the Australian Federation of Airline Pilots (AFAP).

Some 61 per cent of more than 1,000 pilots rejected the deal, which was worth pay increases of more than 20 per cent over three years.

AFAP executive director Simon Lutton said the Virgin pilot group was “angry about the agreement made during the pandemic shortly after the business had emerged from administration” and AFAP would "now survey members to understand the reasons for the no vote before meeting with Virgin to resume negotiations”. 

Virgin Australia pilots vote 'no' to to pay offer

Virgin Australia pilots have rejected an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) struck with the airline and the Australian Federation of Airline Pilots (AFAP).

Some 61 per cent of more than 1,000 pilots rejected the deal, which was worth pay increases of more than 20 per cent over three years.

AFAP executive director Simon Lutton said the Virgin pilot group was “angry about the agreement made during the pandemic shortly after the business had emerged from administration” and AFAP would "now survey members to understand the reasons for the no vote before meeting with Virgin to resume negotiations”.