Latest BA-Unite talks fail

Talks between UK carrier British Airways and the Unite union designed to find a way through the cabin crew dispute have failed again, sources say.

This was despite input from conciliation service ACAS, which expressed its disappointment.

The fresh talks came a week after Unite confirmed a fresh ballot for its members, suggesting further industrial action at the airline.

Cabin crew until now have voted overwhelmingly for strike action, with majorities of 92.5 per cent and 81 per cent in two votes.

However, living on strike pay of GBP45 a day as well as the loss of discounted air fares for strikers is expected to change voting patterns, particularly as the carrier has shown little sign of 'giving in' to Unite's demands.

Latest BA-Unite talks fail

Talks between UK carrier British Airways and the Unite union designed to find a way through the cabin crew dispute have failed again, sources say.

This was despite input from conciliation service ACAS, which expressed its disappointment.

The fresh talks came a week after Unite confirmed a fresh ballot for its members, suggesting further industrial action at the airline.

Cabin crew until now have voted overwhelmingly for strike action, with majorities of 92.5 per cent and 81 per cent in two votes.

However, living on strike pay of GBP45 a day as well as the loss of discounted air fares for strikers is expected to change voting patterns, particularly as the carrier has shown little sign of 'giving in' to Unite's demands.