American uncovers possible widespread B767 problem

American Airlines has found cracks in the large pylons that fix the engines to the wings of two of its 767-300 aircraft, according to the airline and to the planes' manufacturer, Boeing. Concerned the problem may exist on other airline fleets, Boeing says it plans to advise airlines to inspect the parts more frequently than the current recommendation of every 1,500 takeoff and landing cycles.

Boeing now is working with American Airlines to resolve the problem. Newly-suggested guidelines for airlines will cover more than 900 B767 aircraft now in service worldwide.

The cracks were discovered by American's mechanics as they were performing unrelated work. They found cracks on one jet with fewer than 500 flights after its last inspection.

American uncovers possible widespread B767 problem

American Airlines has found cracks in the large pylons that fix the engines to the wings of two of its 767-300 aircraft, according to the airline and to the planes' manufacturer, Boeing. Concerned the problem may exist on other airline fleets, Boeing says it plans to advise airlines to inspect the parts more frequently than the current recommendation of every 1,500 takeoff and landing cycles.

Boeing now is working with American Airlines to resolve the problem. Newly-suggested guidelines for airlines will cover more than 900 B767 aircraft now in service worldwide.

The cracks were discovered by American's mechanics as they were performing unrelated work. They found cracks on one jet with fewer than 500 flights after its last inspection.