Emirates A380s causing concern

Reports say Dubai-based Emirates is causing some concern in rival carriers' boardrooms in Europe and Asia as the scope of its global intentions widens with the purchase of a fleet of 90 A380 planes. The A380 has operating costs claimed to be 12 per cent lower than Boeing's latest 747. the reports say the impact on loads and yield of legacy carriers serving Asia from Europe and vv as well as flights to and from the USA could be
severe, with quotes including "the only plane that competes (on a cost per mile basis) with the A380 is another A380".

Emirates A380s causing concern

Reports say Dubai-based Emirates is causing some concern in rival carriers' boardrooms in Europe and Asia as the scope of its global intentions widens with the purchase of a fleet of 90 A380 planes. The A380 has operating costs claimed to be 12 per cent lower than Boeing's latest 747. the reports say the impact on loads and yield of legacy carriers serving Asia from Europe and vv as well as flights to and from the USA could be
severe, with quotes including "the only plane that competes (on a cost per mile basis) with the A380 is another A380".