New transit system mooted for Heathrow

London, UK Heathrow Airport may build a new passenger transit system to link all of its terminals as part of a 10-year capital investment plan.

BAA, which operates Heathrow, already has pledged to invest around GBP5 billion in Heathrow's facilities during the period 2008-2013.

The operator added: "There may also be further expansion of the new Terminal 2 beyond the first phase currently under construction. This would be built on the current footprint of Terminal 1, necessitating the closure of this terminal."

New transit system mooted for Heathrow

London, UK Heathrow Airport may build a new passenger transit system to link all of its terminals as part of a 10-year capital investment plan.

BAA, which operates Heathrow, already has pledged to invest around GBP5 billion in Heathrow's facilities during the period 2008-2013.

The operator added: "There may also be further expansion of the new Terminal 2 beyond the first phase currently under construction. This would be built on the current footprint of Terminal 1, necessitating the closure of this terminal."