Carriers warned to prepare for EU ETS

BTN News
Sunday, 27 June 2010
The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is almost certain to be enforced, experts at ATW's Eco-Aviation Conference in Washington have warned.

And Lufthansa Consulting executive vp Thilo Schmid said preparing for it was proving to be a "real challenge" for some airlines.

He said many carriers have accepted the ETS, but some are hoping "it will go away" and may not be ready for its introduction in 2012.

He encouraged airlines to prepare for tracking by reporting and verifying CO2 emissions as early as possible.

Guido Harling of added that because 2010 is the baseline for calculations and granting free allowances, carriers should already be fine tuning their services to ensure they get the best deal possible when the ETS is introduced.