Russian to contest regional jet market

Russia's Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company is moving to threaten the Canadian-Brazilian duopoly for regional jets.

Its SuperJet model engine has been certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency and Russian certification is due "within a few weeks," said PowerJet, the company selling the engine.

The approval brings the SuperJet, which can carry 75 to 95 passengers, closer to challenging Brazil's Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA and Canada's Bombardier as the only builders of regional jets.

Certification for the Russian plane may follow later this year.

Russian to contest regional jet market

Russia's Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company is moving to threaten the Canadian-Brazilian duopoly for regional jets.

Its SuperJet model engine has been certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency and Russian certification is due "within a few weeks," said PowerJet, the company selling the engine.

The approval brings the SuperJet, which can carry 75 to 95 passengers, closer to challenging Brazil's Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA and Canada's Bombardier as the only builders of regional jets.

Certification for the Russian plane may follow later this year.