March quarter good for Australian travel

Figures from the Australian Government's National Visitor Survey just released show Australia's domestic tourism market is holding strong for the 2010 March quarter, with overnight trips and visitor nights remaining constant.

Visitor expenditure rose by four per cent to A$11.5 billion and day trip visitors increased by eight per cent. 
Victoria (up four per cent), Tasmania (up eight per cent), Northern Territory (up three per cent) and the ACT (up 32 per cent) all experienced a strong March quarter in terms of visitor nights.

New South Wales (down one per cent), South Australia (down 12 per cent) and Western Australia (down eight per cent) experienced declines and Queensland visitor nights remained steady for the quarter.

For the twelve months to March 2010, visitor nights declined nationally by one per cent, overnight trips were down three per cent, and visitor expenditure remained steady at A$42.9 billion while day trip visitors increased nine per cent to 147.5 million day trips.

March quarter good for Australian travel

Figures from the Australian Government's National Visitor Survey just released show Australia's domestic tourism market is holding strong for the 2010 March quarter, with overnight trips and visitor nights remaining constant.

Visitor expenditure rose by four per cent to A$11.5 billion and day trip visitors increased by eight per cent. 
Victoria (up four per cent), Tasmania (up eight per cent), Northern Territory (up three per cent) and the ACT (up 32 per cent) all experienced a strong March quarter in terms of visitor nights.

New South Wales (down one per cent), South Australia (down 12 per cent) and Western Australia (down eight per cent) experienced declines and Queensland visitor nights remained steady for the quarter.

For the twelve months to March 2010, visitor nights declined nationally by one per cent, overnight trips were down three per cent, and visitor expenditure remained steady at A$42.9 billion while day trip visitors increased nine per cent to 147.5 million day trips.