Melbourne's green credentials improve

An increasing number of business events suppliers throughout the state of Victoria, Australia –including its capital Melbourne -  are implementing environmental initiatives and policies, according to the latest ‘Green Credentials’ report.

The annual report provides meeting and event organisers with a  collation of the environmentally-responsible initiatives being undertaken by Melbourne’s  business events suppliers. 

Sandra Chipchase, chief executive of the Melbourne Convention and Visitors Bureau (MCVB) said this year’s report saw a 20 per cent increase in the number of submissions received.

“The 2010 report identifies many new and exciting initiatives, particularly in relation to ‘whole-of-organisation’ approaches to ‘going green’, and seeking accreditation through certified green programs,” said Chipchase.

MCVB’s online audit was undertaken between October and December 2009 and requested information on water, waste and energy management, current sustainability programs, strategies implemented, accolades received and projects to be completed.

Findings of the 2010 report include:  An 18 per cent increase in the number of audits conducted and environmental plans developed; a 17 per cent increase in the creation of ‘green teams’ or committees dedicated to guiding initiatives; a 12 per cent increase in the number of businesses offsetting their own carbon emissions or offering carbon offset opportunities to their clients and a 12 per cent increase in staff education and training pertaining to green issues.

MCVB’s green initiatives are also included in the report, such as launching an online ‘Event Carbon Calculator’ with the Carbon Reduction Institute to allow event planners to calculate and offset the emissions of events held in Melbourne and Victoria.

Melbourne's green credentials improve

An increasing number of business events suppliers throughout the state of Victoria, Australia –including its capital Melbourne -  are implementing environmental initiatives and policies, according to the latest ‘Green Credentials’ report.

The annual report provides meeting and event organisers with a  collation of the environmentally-responsible initiatives being undertaken by Melbourne’s  business events suppliers. 

Sandra Chipchase, chief executive of the Melbourne Convention and Visitors Bureau (MCVB) said this year’s report saw a 20 per cent increase in the number of submissions received.

“The 2010 report identifies many new and exciting initiatives, particularly in relation to ‘whole-of-organisation’ approaches to ‘going green’, and seeking accreditation through certified green programs,” said Chipchase.

MCVB’s online audit was undertaken between October and December 2009 and requested information on water, waste and energy management, current sustainability programs, strategies implemented, accolades received and projects to be completed.

Findings of the 2010 report include:  An 18 per cent increase in the number of audits conducted and environmental plans developed; a 17 per cent increase in the creation of ‘green teams’ or committees dedicated to guiding initiatives; a 12 per cent increase in the number of businesses offsetting their own carbon emissions or offering carbon offset opportunities to their clients and a 12 per cent increase in staff education and training pertaining to green issues.

MCVB’s green initiatives are also included in the report, such as launching an online ‘Event Carbon Calculator’ with the Carbon Reduction Institute to allow event planners to calculate and offset the emissions of events held in Melbourne and Victoria.