Dubai says no to full body scanners

Dubai says it will not allow full-body scanners to be used at its airports, saying the devices violate national ethics.

Dubai airport security chief Brig Ahmed bin Thani said: "The use of such a device violates personal privacy and it raises a very sensitive issue for passengers, in addition to the fact that it does not complement our national ethics.

"I do not feel that it is necessary for us to implement such a technology while we are operating different methods and have different avenues that have worked so far," he added.

Dubai says no to full body scanners

Dubai says it will not allow full-body scanners to be used at its airports, saying the devices violate national ethics.

Dubai airport security chief Brig Ahmed bin Thani said: "The use of such a device violates personal privacy and it raises a very sensitive issue for passengers, in addition to the fact that it does not complement our national ethics.

"I do not feel that it is necessary for us to implement such a technology while we are operating different methods and have different avenues that have worked so far," he added.