Heart Foundation launches LiveLighter

Australia’s Heart Foundation has launched a new weight-related website to help people assess their health risks.
Its ‘LiveLighter’ site has a number of free interactive tools that can determine a person's health risk.

Maurice Swanson, chief executive of the Heart Foundation (WA Division) said the latest figures from the Bureau of Statistics cast a grim light on the health of the nation.

"They confirm that 61 per cent of Australian adults are now overweight or obese – and we continue to get bigger. The weight of the average Australian man has soared by 3.2kg (to 85.2kg) in just over a decade. The news isn’t much better for the ladies, gaining 3.1kg (to 70.1kg) over the same period.

“These alarming statistics are the precise reason why public education campaigns, such as LiveLighter, are needed.

“We all need to have an honest look at ourselves and see what areas of our lives would benefit from a few healthier changes. Even small changes can make a big difference to long term health,” he added.

Also concerning are statistics showing the waist circumference of the average Australian (both men and women) is several centimetres higher than national recommendations.

“If your waist circumference is higher than 80cm (for women) and 94cm (for men), you’re at a higher risk of developing serious diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers," said Swanson.“If you have a “grabbable gut”, it’s likely you have too much of the toxic (visceral) fat surrounding your organs.”

Find out more at www.livelighter.com.au

Heart Foundation launches LiveLighter

Australia’s Heart Foundation has launched a new weight-related website to help people assess their health risks.
Its ‘LiveLighter’ site has a number of free interactive tools that can determine a person's health risk.

Maurice Swanson, chief executive of the Heart Foundation (WA Division) said the latest figures from the Bureau of Statistics cast a grim light on the health of the nation.

"They confirm that 61 per cent of Australian adults are now overweight or obese – and we continue to get bigger. The weight of the average Australian man has soared by 3.2kg (to 85.2kg) in just over a decade. The news isn’t much better for the ladies, gaining 3.1kg (to 70.1kg) over the same period.

“These alarming statistics are the precise reason why public education campaigns, such as LiveLighter, are needed.

“We all need to have an honest look at ourselves and see what areas of our lives would benefit from a few healthier changes. Even small changes can make a big difference to long term health,” he added.

Also concerning are statistics showing the waist circumference of the average Australian (both men and women) is several centimetres higher than national recommendations.

“If your waist circumference is higher than 80cm (for women) and 94cm (for men), you’re at a higher risk of developing serious diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers," said Swanson.“If you have a “grabbable gut”, it’s likely you have too much of the toxic (visceral) fat surrounding your organs.”

Find out more at www.livelighter.com.au