Townsville Airport Master Plan approved by Canberra

 The 2023 Townsville Airport Master Plan has been given the green light by the Australian government for the expansion of the airport terminal and development of the surrounding precinct.

The plan outlines the airport’s strategic vision and growth objectives for the next 20 years, with a more detailed focus on the initial eight years.

As the eleventh busiest airport in Australia with more than 400 flights a week, the airport is a crucial gateway for the region’s tourism, mining and defence sectors, generating more than A$400 million in economic contribution to the region and supporting in excess of 2,500 full-time jobs.

Forecasts in the Master Plan include the planning of international services by 2025, contributing to predicted annual passenger numbers of 3.7 million by 2043 – more than double today’s figures.

There will also be a new gateway precinct that's designed to create a sense of arrival to the airport.  It will include an airport hotel along with modern retail, food and beverage offerings.

Amelia Evans, ceo Queensland Airports Limited (QAL) said investing in the airport was needed to support the region’s anticipated growth over the next two decades.

Townsville Airport Master Plan approved by Canberra

 The 2023 Townsville Airport Master Plan has been given the green light by the Australian government for the expansion of the airport terminal and development of the surrounding precinct.

The plan outlines the airport’s strategic vision and growth objectives for the next 20 years, with a more detailed focus on the initial eight years.

As the eleventh busiest airport in Australia with more than 400 flights a week, the airport is a crucial gateway for the region’s tourism, mining and defence sectors, generating more than A$400 million in economic contribution to the region and supporting in excess of 2,500 full-time jobs.

Forecasts in the Master Plan include the planning of international services by 2025, contributing to predicted annual passenger numbers of 3.7 million by 2043 – more than double today’s figures.

There will also be a new gateway precinct that's designed to create a sense of arrival to the airport.  It will include an airport hotel along with modern retail, food and beverage offerings.

Amelia Evans, ceo Queensland Airports Limited (QAL) said investing in the airport was needed to support the region’s anticipated growth over the next two decades.