Saudi Arabia starts unmanned air taxi trials

Saudi Arabia-based Front End has conducted the first unmanned air taxi trial in Mecca, supported by urban air mobility (UAM) company EHang.

The trial is aimed at streamlining transportation to key locations during the annual Hajj pilgrimage, a gathering of diverse nationalities with unique logistical challenges. 
“These (taxis) offer a cost-effective solution for urban transportation, tackling congestion while aligning perfectly with the Kingdom’s goals for a sustainable future. This advancement underscores Front End's dedication to national progress and its commitment to shaping a greener, more efficient tomorrow in mobility”, said Majid Alghaslan, chairman and ceo of Front End.

Saudi Arabia starts unmanned air taxi trials

Saudi Arabia-based Front End has conducted the first unmanned air taxi trial in Mecca, supported by urban air mobility (UAM) company EHang.

The trial is aimed at streamlining transportation to key locations during the annual Hajj pilgrimage, a gathering of diverse nationalities with unique logistical challenges. 
“These (taxis) offer a cost-effective solution for urban transportation, tackling congestion while aligning perfectly with the Kingdom’s goals for a sustainable future. This advancement underscores Front End's dedication to national progress and its commitment to shaping a greener, more efficient tomorrow in mobility”, said Majid Alghaslan, chairman and ceo of Front End.