Impact Publications publishers
of Business Trave News (BTN); MICE Asia-Pacific; AirCargo Asia-Pacific;
the Travel & Tourism Directory and the AirCargo Directory have
a firm commitment to privacy in accordance with the Privacy Amendment
(Private Sector) Act 2000, which came into effect in December 2001.
This privacy policy covers
all personal information that we hold.
Information collected
Whenever we collect personal
information from you we will do so in a lawful and fair way. We will
also advise you how and where to contact us. If we collect the information
from a third party we will take reasonable steps to advise you of
that collection promptly. We will tell you why we are collecting
the information and the third parties to whom we may disclose that
information. Information collected on our database will only be used
to notify you of any new offers. You do not have to supply any information
we request, however your decision not to may have a bearing on services
we provide and we will tell you what impact this will have.
Disclosing information
We will only disclose personal
information in accordance with the Act. This means that it will be
disclosed if:
* we told you when collecting
it that it would be disclosed for that purpose or for a related purpose
that you would reasonably expect;
* we have your consent;
* we are required by law to
disclose it; or
* it is otherwise permitted
under the Act
We are committed to protecting
your privacy and will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information
we collect is protected from loss and misuse and from unauthorised
access, modification and disclosure.
Opt Out
We will provide you with a
low cost way of contacting us if you do not wish to receive
marketing offers.
Access to the information
we hold You can access your
personal information upon request.
Availability of policy
This policy is available in
printed form upon request.
Privacy inquiries
If you have any questions
about this privacy policy, any privacy related dealings with us or
a possible breach of your privacy you can contact:
Sofia Hurd |
Impact Publications |
Suite 6/ 4 Ventnor Avenue, WEST
Phone +61 08 9485 1701 Fax +61
08 9485 1704 |